Business Directory:
Category - Outdoors
Grundy Lake Provincial Park

20400 Highway 522
Britt, ON P0A 1G0
Phone: 705-383-2286
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Camping experience for everyone: RV, car camping or backcountry canoe-in sites that range from easy canoe in access to remote portage access. Activities for all ages: great hiking trails, canoe/kayak rentals nearby. Countless inland lakes that offer endless canoeing and kayaking adventures. Located just off the Trans-Canada Highway.
Restoule Provincial Park

Hwy 534 W
Restoule, ON P0H 2R0
Phone: 705-729-2010
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Restoule park is nestled in a picturesque setting between Stormy & Restoule Lakes. Lots of hiking and biking opportunities await. Hike to high granite bluffs and a historic fire tower where you can see for miles. Watch for birds of prey, white tailed deer and moose while embarking on a 5 day or an afternoon canoe trip.