Birdwatchers Delight

Posted: Mar 28, 2016 | Category: Sightseeing & More | View All Blog Posts

One of the fastest growing outdoor activities in North America is Birdwatching.  Whether watching birds at your bird feeder of tracking their flight patterns and nesting sites, many people are addicted to our feathered friends.  The Loring-Restoule region has birding opportunities all year round.  The geography of the area hosts a rich diversity of avian species in the mix of deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as wetlands, bogs and waterways.  This unique area is the gateway to the Boreal Forest of the north.  Boreal birds such as the Gray Jay, Spruce Grouse and Boreal Chickadee can be found in the Spruce Bogs of Loring-Restoule, and are at their most southern limits of their range in Ontario.

Winter finches, such as Pine Grosbeaks and Red Crossbills, etc., are winter nomads and may be here one winter in huge number and absent in other years, their populations are dependent on the abundance of cone crops.

Spring sees a wave of birds arriving from southern wintering grounds. The spring migration begins in early April with the arrival of American Woodcock and Saw-whet Owls.  When the lakes and rivers open waterfowl of many species pass through. There are large numbers of Hooded Mergansers, Black Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, and Common Bufflehead, which remain to nest in the small wetlands in the area. In April the Common Loons arrives to fill the air with their haunting calls. The call of the loon across a northern lake is a Canadian icon.  Another favorite is the Ruffed Grouse; males, starting as early as late March hop onto logs on the forest floor and drum by flapping their wings in an attempt to impress a female mate.

You won’t want to miss out on spotting our smallest spring arrival, the ruby throated hummingbird.  These tiny brightly coloured birds are regulars at cottage hummingbird feeders and flower gardens.  It is a joyful pastime watching them enjoy sweet sugar water and flower nectar…

Spring and Summer is a time to enjoy our spectacular array of songbirds.  Besides the brightly coloured warblers there are other song birds of the deep forest. The melodious call of the Hermit Thrush can be heard echoing throughout the forest in the breeding season. The “O-Canada-Canada-Canada” call of the White-throated Sparrow is another musical symbol of the northern woods.  In the Fall, many species are visible as they begin to migrate to their southern wintering grounds.

To learn more about the local species in Loring- Restoule click here.

To purchase birdseed and or feeders visit Buchanan’s & Home Hardware