Loring Restoule Business Association
The Loring Restoule Business Association (LRBA) is a non-profit, membership-based organization, dedicated to promoting member businesses and tourism in the Loring Restoule area.
The LRBA is committed to networking within the industry; building partnerships; strengthening business development and competitiveness of its membership. Members have equal input into association business and can share ideas & concerns, get involved and network with other tourism operators, participate in special projects & marketing opportunities or join the board.
The LRBA board is made up of volunteer individuals working collectively to strengthen our communities & businesses. The board is dedicated to providing its member businesses with development & networking opportunities that will provide marketing & exposure to the Loring Restoule area. The membership fees go directly towards marketing projects & operating costs.
The goal of the LRBA is to develop & target cost effective, results-oriented tourism strategies for business in Loring Restoule.
Join today! Email us at info@loringrestoule.com
Click here to download the Membership Form
Executive Board Members 2025
Hilary Chambers (Pine Grove Resort) – Past President
Carrie Bain (Impact Print & Marketing / Electrified General Contracting) – Treasurer & Secretary
Membership Benefits
www.loringrestoule.com is the official website of the LRBA. Information on member businesses are featured as well as a searchable database. Your business information, including description, photo or logo and a link to your website is included in your membership.
Member stories on the front page of the LRBA website/Facebook are in rotation, with links to area business. This is the newest type of search marketing that gives our community greater reach.
“Like” our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/Loringrestoule to take part in updates, upload photos of your business, share special promotions and moments from the Loring-Restoule area. All member businesses are welcome to share photos from their business page to engage our Facebook Fan base.
Every paid member will receive a listing in the guide that is distributed to tourist centers across Ontario, sent via admail and locally throughout the Loring-Restoule Region. The Brochure is currently printed every year.
Information Boards are set up at Roxies Diner in Port Loring, outside Trash & Treasure, as well as, Boards Honey Farm, The Commanda Museum, The Port Loring Legion #415, & in Restoule. These boards have racks that can accommodate standard brochures or rack cards to advertise your business, free of charge to LRBA members. Please take advantage of this!
If a request is made for information on a service or business in the area, the LRBA refers to its membership base first.
The LRBA Directors meet with other organizations & government bodies to discuss our area and answer questions about the area on behalf of our businesses. The LRBA represents the Loring-Restoule area with tourism & marketing groups in Ontario, such as RTO12/Explorers Edge, RTO13, OTMPC, FedNor, NOTO, etc.
LRBA members are included in the marketing, training, promotion and exposure through the RTO12/Explorers Edge initiatives in our area, creating a wide range and professional way to attract and connect with consumers through the most innovative marketing strategies available.