Loring Restoule Business Association

The Loring Restoule Business Association (LRBA) is a non-profit, membership-based organization, dedicated to promoting member businesses and tourism in the Loring Restoule area.

​The LRBA is committed to networking within the industry; building partnerships; strengthening business development and competitiveness of its membership. Members have equal input into association business and can share ideas & concerns, get involved and network with other tourism operators, participate in special projects & marketing opportunities or join the board.

The LRBA board is made up of volunteer individuals working collectively to strengthen our communities & businesses.   ​The board is dedicated to providing its member businesses with development & networking opportunities that will provide marketing & exposure to the Loring Restoule area. The membership fees go directly towards marketing projects & operating costs.

The goal of the LRBA is to develop & target cost effective, results-oriented tourism strategies for business in Loring Restoule.

Join today!  Email us at info@loringrestoule.com

Click here to download the Membership Form


Executive Board Members 2025

Polly Rupert (Rupert’s Variety) – President
Tamara Matthews (Bain Lake Camp) – Vice President
Hilary Chambers (Pine Grove Resort) – Past President
Carrie Bain (Impact Print & Marketing / Electrified General Contracting) – Treasurer & Secretary
Angie McCandless (Forest Hill Realty) – Membership
Deb Leeming (Commanda Museum) – Membership
Jennifer Blender (Forest & Farm) – Membership
Karyn Webb (Cedar Trail Farms)
Carol Chambers (Pine Grove Resort)


Membership Benefits

•    Website Directory
www.loringrestoule.com is the official website of the LRBA.  Information on member businesses are featured as well as a searchable database.  Your business information, including description, photo or logo and a link to your website is included in your membership.
•    Rotating Member Spotlight/stories
Member stories on the front page of the LRBA website/Facebook are in rotation, with links to area business. This is the newest type of search marketing that gives our community greater reach.
​•    Facebook & Blogs
“Like” our Facebook Page:  www.facebook.com/Loringrestoule to take part in updates, upload photos of your business, share special promotions and moments from the Loring-Restoule area.  All member businesses are welcome to share photos from their business page to engage our Facebook Fan base.
•    Printed Business Directory
Every paid member will receive a listing in the guide that is distributed to tourist centers across Ontario, sent via admail and locally throughout the Loring-Restoule Region. The Brochure is currently printed every year.
•    Display Your Materials
Information Boards are set up at Roxies Diner in Port Loring, outside Trash & Treasure, as well as, Boards Honey Farm, The Commanda Museum, The Port Loring Legion #415, & in Restoule.  These boards have racks that can accommodate standard brochures or rack cards to advertise your business, free of charge to LRBA members. Please take advantage of this!
•    Receive Referrals
If a request is made for information on a service or business in the area, the LRBA refers to its membership base first.
•    Industry Relations
The LRBA Directors meet with other organizations & government bodies to discuss our area and answer questions about the area on behalf of our businesses.  The LRBA represents the Loring-Restoule area with tourism & marketing groups in Ontario, such as RTO12/Explorers Edge, RTO13, OTMPC, FedNor, NOTO, etc.
•    Marketing Opportunities
LRBA members are included in the marketing, training, promotion and exposure through the RTO12/Explorers Edge initiatives in our area, creating a wide range and professional way to attract and connect with consumers through the most innovative marketing strategies available.
•    Networking Events/Seminars
Throughout the year the LRBA holds one or two FREE networking events, where you can come out, share your promotional material, and connect with others in the business community.  The LRBA also hosts workshops & seminars at a reduced or free rate to its members on topics such as social media marketing etc.


Join today!  Email us at info@loringrestoule.com
Click here to download the Membership Form
Collage of People Enjoying Various Activities in Loring Restoule
Explorers Edge Logo
Ontario Logo
FedNor Logo