Bird watching is a fun way to connect with nature. In the winter, birds are happy to visit the feeders to stock up on seed to keep themselves warm and healthy.
Winter birds are often more gregarious and less fearful of humans, allowing you to get a much closer look. It doesn’t matter if you are watching from inside by the fire or outside in the forest…bird watching is sure to entertain you.
The Loring-Restoule region is in a transition zone between the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region and the Boreal forest, making for unparalleled birding opportunities in every season.
To learn more about bird species and what type of bird you are looking at visit nature websites that list local birds found in our region, or purchase a field guide to North Eastern Birds of Ontario.
To attract birds in winter to your cottage feeder, follow these tips:
Water: Birds often suffer from lack of available fresh water in the winter months. If possible purchase winter water warmer that will prevent water in a bird bath from freezing.
Feeders: Purchase feeders that will prevent squirrels from stealing away all of the seed.
Seed: Straight seed is best. Bags of mixed seed often contain filler such as red millet that birds kick on the ground rather than eat. Black oil sunflower seeds are a favorite treat for the majority of birds from blue jays, nuthatches, to chickadees, and a large variety of woodpeckers. Seed can be purchased in bulk from at our local hometown store Buchanan’s.